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How to illuminate the facade

Facade lighting is an important element that can give your home a distinctive and charming appearance, especially during dark hours.

Correctly installing facade lighting can accentuate architectural details, creating a pleasant and highlighted environment. In this article, we will discuss what you should consider when choosing facade lighting solutions, how to select suitable outdoor light sources, and what principles architects suggest for facade lighting.

Design and Style

Before starting a facade lighting project, consider the design and style of your home. Do you want to create a modern, minimalist, or classical look? The lighting style should harmonize with the appearance of your home.


Pasirinkus fasaado apšvietimą, svarbu apsvarstyti šviesos intensyvumą. Ar norite subtilaus akcento ar ryškaus šviesos šou? Tai padės sukuriant pageidaujamą atmosferą.When choosing facade lighting, it’s important to consider the intensity of the light. Do you want a subtle accent or a vibrant light show? This will help create the desired atmosphere.

Light Direction

The direction of lighting sources is also important. You can choose overhead lighting that shines downward or lighting from bottom to top. The direction of light can create different effects and impacts.

Different Facade Lighting Options

Spotlights: These small lights can be directed at a specific object, such as an architectural element or a plant, to highlight it.

Light Strips: Strips can be hidden between facade elements or used to illuminate horizontal or vertical surfaces.

Wall Sconces: Mounted on walls, these fixtures provide not only illumination but also a decorative element.


Architects’ Tips:

Emphasize Key Elements: Architects recommend focusing on key facade elements such as the entrance area, unique architectural details, or structures.

Avoid Overkill: Too much light can overwhelm the facade and diminish the desired effect. Architects advise being subtle and balancing the amount of light.

Experiment with Light Colors: Different light colors can provide different mood accents. Architects encourage experimenting with light temperatures.

Facade lighting is a great way to add uniqueness and visual appeal to your home. By paying attention to style, light intensity, and architect’s tips, you can create a beautifully illuminated and attractive facade that shines day and night.

If you want to better illuminate your facade, contact us. We will help you plan the best lighting solution for your home and provide a good offer for the entire solution.

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